How to Hide TV Cables & Wires

Nothing ruins your living room décor than a tangled mess of unsightly cables around your TV.

From the cables that power the TV itself to the wires that you use to plug in games consoles, sound bars and DVD players, televisions are a haven for cable disorganisation

But luckily, there are several easy solutions. If the situation in your living room is getting out of control, check out our collection of clever tips and trick for hiding TV cables for guidance.

Hiding TV cables... What are the options?

Put the cables behind the wall

The first option (and not usually the most practical) is to hide the TV cables behind the wall.

Of course, this involves cutting into the plasterboard so we wouldn't recommend doing this unless you absolutely know what you're doing.

But it's a good option for hiding the wires that power wall-mounted TVs.

Bundle loose cords with cable ties

The next option is to use VELCRO® Brand ONE-WRAP® Ties.

They come in a handy roll that can be cut to size to suit your needs and fasten with hook and loop technology so that they can be used again and again. 

They're perfect for bundling and hiding long wires behind your TV, and reducing the amount of space that messy wires take up.

Install cable covers

Another option for hiding the wires from a wall-mounted TV is to install a cable cover.

Choose one that's the same colour as your wall so it hides away the cables and keeps them relatively out of sight. 

Use a decorative cable box

Another great option for TV cable organisation is to use a decorative cable box.

This is a good way to keep wires and cables out of sight but if you don't bundle them up, the contents of the box can still get quite messy (you're essentially just moving the mess).

We'd recommend wrapping up your wires with VELCRO® Brand ONE-WRAP® Ties before you put them in the box. 

Let us know if any of these tips help you with your cable management and stay on our blog for more clever organisation ideas!