How to Be More Organised at Home

Being organised is not an easy thing! When you've got a million and one things to do, it can be hard to find the time to tidy up and get your life in order.

But as they say, "tidy house, tidy mind." And getting taking some time to re-organise your house is totally worth it. Read on for ten simple home organisation tips to help you achieve a de-cluttered, tidier home. 

8 easy ways to be more organised at home

1. De-clutter, de-clutter, de-clutter

If household clutter is the bane of your life, it's time to get rid of it! Leaving things lying around is a fast-track route to a messy house so buy some extra shelving units or storage containers and put that clutter away! 

2. Wrap up loose cables

Modern homes are full of phones, tablets, laptops and other electrical devices - and each one comes with a cable. So if drawers full of charger cables are stressing you out, wrap each one up with a VELCRO® Brand Cable Tie

This simple home organisation idea will instantly decrease the size of the mess and if you're constantly forgetting what each cable is for, label it! 

3. If you haven't worn it for six months, throw it out

Do you find it hard to get rid of unworn clothes just in case you *might* wear them again in the future? If this is you, you need to be firm with yourself. If you haven't worn or used it in the last six months, get rid of it. Yes, you might wear it again. But if you haven't for the last six months, chances are you probably won't. 

4. Schedule 'tidying up time' once a week

Make sure that you have an hour each week that's dedicated to home organisation and tidying up. If you find it hard to tidy up as you go along, and your house regularly ends up getting messy without you realising, it's important to schedule time to tidy up. You'll thank us later!


5. Put things back in their place

Everything has its place - so when you use something, make sure you put it back there. This will mean less tidying up later! 


6. Don't procrastinate

This organisation tip is much easier said than done - but it really is better to do things straight away instead of putting them off. If it helps, make a timetable of when you need to carry out important home organisation tasks like cleaning and tidying up. And do your best to stick to it! 

7. Use space wisely

Whatever size your house is, you can create storage space in the most unlikely of places. For example, take the garage.Instead of leaving bikes and suitcases lying around on the floor, hang them up on the wall with VELCRO® Brand Easy Hang Straps . It'll keep them out of the way and your garage will instantly feel more organised! 

8. Clear your desk

A messy desk equals a messy mind; and unfortunately, desks can become a haven for clutter. So clear your desk, make sure you only keep essential items on it and you'll find you'll be much more clear-headed and productive when you sit down to work (find more on this in our office organisation tips post!)


 And that's it! We hope these home organisation tips help you feel more organised at home! Stay on our blog for even more organisation ideas: