DIY Giant Four in a Row Game

Who else grew up playing Connect Four? This classic board game has been loved by generations of children but the most fun way to play it is on a giant scale! 

Read on to find out how to make your own giant four in a row game with VELCRO® Brand Stick On Tape . This DIY outdoor game is perfect for birthday parties and weddings... Or just some fun in the sun!

How to make a giant four in a row game

What you need

Setting up

Start by cutting a square out of an old bed sheet and stick it to the wall. Black works best but to keep the cost down, use whatever colour you have at home!

Next, take a pack of VELCRO® Brand Stick On Tape  and cut out 25 strips that are around 3-5cm in length.

Stick the hook side of each strip to the sheet and the loop side of each strip to the back of a paper plate. 

How to play four in a row (game rules)

Now you're ready to play! The rules of giant four in a row are simple.  

Give a set of paper plates (red or yellow) to each player or team. To win, you must be the first to stick four paper plates of the same colour in a row - either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. 

Take it in turns to stick a coloured plate on the wall. On each turn, try to build up a row of your own coloured plates or block your opponent! 

The game is over when someone gets four in a row or all the spaces are filled, resulting in a stalemate. 

Four in a row tactics

Wondering how to win at four in a row? Try these strategies! 

  1. Place your first checker in the middle column. 
  2. Try and predict any moves that your opponent makes that look like they might lead to a win - and block them at every opportunity! 
  3. Create vertical stacks of checkers to force your opponent to block you instead of building their own row.
  4. Watch for "game ending" moves and block your opponent whenever you spot one! 

Fancy having a go at making your own giant four in a row game? Pick up a pack of VELCRO® Brand Stick On Tape  or stay on our blog for more creative ways to use hook and loop fasteners!